Boho Bags
Boho Bags are unique, handmade leather handbags, manbags/unibags and funky phone bags from leather that would otherwise end up in landfill.
The ‘Boho Bag’ is the first creation of the Sacred Cow Project. These bags are hand crafted from recycled leather and we aim to use as much of the original piece and natural shape as possible. All bags are unique; none are cut from a pattern. Each bag is individually designed based on the shape of the leather offcut to enhance the natural textures and shapes. We minimise waste - in fact we have thrown nothing away since we started rescuing textiles in 2012!
Our goal is to design and create a unique bag that is more than just a stylish accessory, but makes a statement about the owners' commitment to recycling, improving the environment and the sustainable use of animal products.
Once you have seen, touched and smelled a Boho Bag you will want to own the one that reflects the individual you are.