How Does A Shared Stall Work? 

Sharing a stall at our events can be an excellent way to showcase your products while splitting costs and resources. To help you make the most of this opportunity, we’ve put together a detailed guide on how the shared stall option works and what you need to know before applying.

Arranging a Shared Stall

If you’re considering a shared stall at Perth Makers Market, Perth Upmarket, or MarketLife events, it’s important to note that we do not match businesses for shared stalls. You will need to have already arranged a partner business before selecting the shared stall option on your application. Both businesses must have individual profiles on our MarketLife Portal and must apply separately. When completing the application, each business should clearly state the other’s name in the designated section:“If selecting a shared stall, please state which other business you plan to share with (who also needs to apply).” If the event you are applying for does not have a shared stall option in the "preferred stall type" drop down box this means this event does not offer a shared stall option. 

Why Don’t We Arrange Shared Stalls?

In the past, we experimented with assigning businesses to share stalls, but this often led to conflicts and mismatches, which ultimately affected the event experience. To ensure that each participant has a smooth and successful event, we now only offer the shared stall option to businesses that have prearranged their partnerships.

What Happens if Your Shared Stall Partner Withdraws?

Life happens, and if your shared stall partner needs to withdraw after your application has been accepted, this could affect your stall arrangement. In such cases, you have two options:

  1. Find a Replacement Partner: You can seek another business to share the stall with. However, the new partner must be approved by us to ensure they meet our event standards.
  2. Proceed Solo: If finding a replacement isn’t possible, you’ll need to upgrade to a standard 3m x 3m space and cover the full cost yourself. This is why it’s so important to choose your shared stall partner wisely and to have contingency plans in place.

Stall Pricing

When opting for a shared stall, each business will be invoiced separately for the space. The fee listed on our website and in the application is per business. While the total fee for a shared stall is higher than that for a single business occupying the same space, this reflects the additional work required to accommodate and promote two businesses. Each business benefits from individual promotion on our website, contributing to the slightly higher fee.

Stall Dimensions and Setup

A shared stall provides a 3m x 3m gazebo space. Within this area, each business is allocated 1.5m of width and 3m of depth. It’s up to you and your partner to provide your own gazebo and weights, and to plan your setup within these dimensions. The key to a successful shared stall lies in effective cooperation and communication with your partner to make the most of the available space.

Tips for a Successful Shared Stall

  • Plan Ahead: Before market day, discuss and plan the layout of your shared stall with your partner. Make sure that both businesses have equal and fair representation within the space.
  • Collaborate: Work together to create a cohesive and appealing display. A well-coordinated stall can attract more customers and enhance the shopping experience.
  • Communicate: Clear communication is key. Discuss responsibilities such as setup and takedown times, and if you’re sharing a payment system, agree on how transactions will be handled.

Have Questions?

If you have any further questions about how shared stalls work or need assistance with your application, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you have a successful and enjoyable experience at our events.